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Metamask: “Error: write after end”: ReactJS with web3js and MetaMask on Chrome

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Metamask Issue in Reactjs with Web3js and Metamask

As a Developer Working with Reactjs V18.2 and Web3.js V1.8 for Blockchain Interactions, I Encountered a Common Issue with Metamask Integration: “Error: Write After End”. In this article, we will explore the cause of this error, its effects on our application, and provide solutions to resolve it.

The issue

When working with metamask, web3.js expects a transaction to be fully executed before writing to the blockchain. However, Sometimes The Execution is Interrupted Due to Various Reasons Such As Network Issues Or User Input. As a result, we might encounter an “error: write after end” error when trying to send transactions.

Causes of the issue

There are several causes that can lead to this issue:

  • User input


    : When a user inputs Their Metamask Password, it can Block the Execution of Subsequent Requests Due to Security Reasons.

  • Network Issues : A Temporary Network Delay or Disconnection Can Cause the Transaction to Be Interrupted Before It is fully executed.

  • timeouts : If we do not set a timeout for sending transactions, they may timeout and leave us with an “error: write after end” error.

Effects on Our Application

To Understand How this Issue Affects Our Application:

  • When users try to send transactions on the test server, the “error: write after end” error will prevention them from Completing Their transaction.

  • On the main server, which is connected to the same blockchain instance as the test server, we might encounter similar sensues due to network latency or user input.


To Resolve This Issue and Ensure A Smooth User Experience:

  • Implement Error Handling : We need to handle the “error: write after end” Error by Implementing Retry Mechanisms or Timeouts for Sending Transactions.

  • SET TIMERS FOR Sending Transactions : set timers to wait before sending transactions, ensuring that they are not interrupted by user input or Network issues.

  • use a retry mechanism with web3.js : Consider using a library like web3js-retry to reetry failed transactions, reducing the number or” error: write after end “errors.

Example code

Here is an Example code snippet that demonstrates how to handle the “error: write after end” error:


import {ethers} From ‘Ethers’;

import * as web3 from ‘web3’;

Contract = New Ethers. contract (‘0x …’, web3, {Mainnet: True});

Function Send transaction () {

Try {

Contransaction = Await Contract.createtransaction ({

to: ‘0x …’,

Value: ‘0.01 ether’,

Gas Limit: ‘10000000’,



Const txhash = Await contract.send transaction (transaction);

console.log (transaction sent Successful: $ {txhash} );

} Catch (Error) {

if (error instanceof ethers.walleterror) {

console.error ('wallet error:', error.message);

} Else IF (Error Instanceof Error) {

console.error ('error:', error.message);




Concalvalid = set interval (Send transaction, 10000);

// function to call Send transaction every minute

Function CheckForend () {

Clear interval (Intervalid);

Send transaction ();


set interval (checkfor, 60000); // Send Transactions Every Hour

By implementing Error Handling and Using A Retry Mechanism with Web3js-Retry, We Can Ensure That Our Application Remains Stable Equally In The Presence of Network Issues Or User Input.

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