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Metamask: Getting “Error: Safe Proxy contract is not deployed in the current network” after calling safeFactory.deploySafe()

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Error: “Safe Proxy contract is not deployed in the current network” after deploying on Rinkeby

As a developer, you’re likely no stranger to deploying smart contracts on various networks, including testnets like Rinkeby. However, when using the safeFactory.deploySafe() method, you might encounter an error that’s causing your safe proxy contract to not be deployed in the current network.

In this article, we’ll delve into what the error message means and provide solutions to resolve the issue.

The Error Message:

When encountering this error, you typically see a message like this:

Error: Safe Proxy contract is not deployed in the current network

This error occurs when there are issues with the network’s blockchain or deployment process that prevent the safe proxy contract from being deployed. The exact cause of this issue might be due to various factors such as:

  • Network congestion or high traffic

  • Incorrect network settings (e.g., gas limit, block height)

  • Missing or corrupted deployment configuration files

Understanding the Safe Proxy Contract

Before diving into solutions, it’s essential to understand how safe proxy contracts work. A safe proxy contract is a pre-built version of your contract that allows users to interact with your contract in a controlled environment without risking their own funds.

Here’s an overview of what safeFactory.deploySafe() does:

  • Deployment: The deploySafe() method deploys a new instance of the safe proxy contract, which runs on the network.

  • Proxying: By using the safeFactory object, you can now interact with your original contract through the proxy.

Resolving the Error

To resolve this error, follow these steps:

  • Check network settings: Ensure that your Rinkeby testnet is configured correctly and has sufficient gas limit and block height.

  • Verify deployment configuration files: Review your deploySafe() method code to confirm that it’s properly deployed with the correct contract instance.

  • Inspect network transaction history: Look for any recent transactions related to deploying or interacting with your safe proxy contract.

Example Solution

To resolve this issue, you can try updating your deploySafe() method to include additional checks and error handling:

import { Deployer } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-deploy/AbstractDeployer";

const deployer = new Deployer();

async function deploySafe() {

if (!isNetworkReady()) return;

const safeProxyContractAddress = "0x..."; // Update with your contract address

try {

await deployer.deploy(safeFactory, "MyContract", safeProxyContractAddress);

} catch (error) {

console.error("Error deploying Safe Proxy Contract:", error);



// Example usage

if (isNetworkReady()) {

await deploySafe();


By implementing these checks and error handling mechanisms, you should be able to resolve the “Safe Proxy contract is not deployed in the current network” issue when using safeFactory.deploySafe() on Rinkeby.

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