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Metamask: How can I get all accounts from Metamask that connected to my website?

Here’s an article on how to retrieve

Getting All Accounts Connected to Your Website With Metamask

Metamask is a popular cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to store, send, and receive funds securely. When However, if you want to retrieve

Step 1: Set Up Metamask and Web3.js

First, make sure you have metamask installed on your chrome extension. . Once installed, create a new Web3.Js Instance by Setting Up An Ethereum Provider:


Const Web3 = New Web3 (New Web3.providers.httpprovider (‘


Replace Your_project_id with your actual Infa Project ID.

Step 2: Request Account Information

Use the ethereum.request () method to request account information from metamask. This method returns an array of accounts that are connected to the Ethereum Network:


ethereum.request ({

Method: ‘eth_accounts’,



This will reticating that there are no connected accounts.

Step 3: Fetch Account Information

If you want to retriev account information for specific accounts, use the ethereum.query () method. Data:


ethereum.onaccountconnect ((accounts) => {

console.log (accounts);



This will log an array of connected Ethereum accounts.

Example Code

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to retrieve


Const Web3 = New Web3 (New Web3.providers.httpprovider (‘

Const accounts = [];

ethereum.request ({

Method: ‘eth_accounts’,


.on (‘accounts’, (accounts) => {

console.log (accounts);

accounts.foreach ((account) => {

accounts.push (account.address); // Add the Account Address to the Array



ethereum.onaccountconnect ((accounts) => {

console.log (accounts);



Replace Your_project_id with your actual Infa Project ID.


Retrieving account information Additionally, if you plan to use this code.

By following these steps, you can retrieve all accounts connected to your website using web3.js and metamask chrome extension.

Metamask Wait Metamask Ethers Proceeding

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