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Ethereum: Error with twisted when installing python-binance [duplicate]

Here’s an article with possible solutions to the issue you’re experiencing while installing python-binance on your Windows 10 system.

Error with twisted when installing python-binance

If you’re getting an error message indicating that there’s a problem with twisted, it could be related to a few different things. The main issue here is likely a compatibility or permission issue, but let’s first explore some possible solutions before diving into the technical details.


1. Update Your Python Environment

First, make sure your Python environment is up-to-date. You can check for updates by opening a command prompt (CMder) and typing:

python -m ensurepip

This will download and install any missing pip packages, which should resolve issues related to twisted.

2. Install Required Packages

Ensure that you have the required packages installed, specifically requests, binance-api, and twisted. You can install these by running the following commands:

pip install requests binance-api twisted

Make sure these are listed in your system’s PATH environment variable.

3. Check for Conflicting Packages

It’s possible that there are conflicting packages installed that might be causing issues with twisted. You can try uninstalling some of the packages and see if this resolves the problem:

pip uninstall requests binance-api twisted

Then, re-run the installation commands to install the required packages.

4. Update Twisted

Twisted is an older library that may not be compatible with recent Python versions or operating systems. If you’re using a relatively new version of Python (e.g., Python 3.9), it might be worth updating twisted to ensure compatibility:

pip install twisted==18.10.0-rc1

Alternatively, if you don’t need the latest features, you can use an older version:

pip install twisted==17.14.0

5. Clean and Reinstall

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, you may need to try a fresh installation or clean your CMder environment.

  • Close all instances of python.exe and any other Python-related processes.

  • Open the Command Prompt (CMder) with administrator privileges: Right-click on Start > System > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > Change plan settings > Set advanced power settings > Edit plan > Change plan settings > Advanced > Manage battery.

  • Run wmic computer get name to list all running processes, and then right-click on them and select “End Process”.

  • Restart your system.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If you’re still experiencing issues after trying the above solutions, you may want to try the following:

  • Check the [Binance API Documentation]( for any specific requirements or recommendations for your Python environment.

  • Verify that your CMder is up-to-date and compatible with Python 3.x (if you’re using a version older than 3.7).

  • If none of the above steps resolve the issue, please provide more details about your system configuration, including the exact error message you receive.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the Error with twisted when installing python-binance.

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