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Ethereum: January 19, 2038: RIP Unix timestamps

Ethereum’s Unix Timestamp Puzzle: When Will It Run Out

A cryptic warning about an impending 32-bit Unix timestamp overflow is circulating among Ethereum enthusiasts in a recent blog post. The idea sparked curiosity and concern in the cryptocurrency community, prompting us to investigate the details.

What are Unix Timestamps?

Unix timestamps, also known as epoch times or seconds since January 1, 1970, represent the number of seconds that have passed since a given point in time. They are used to measure time in the context of computer systems and are widely used in various fields, including blockchain technology.

Unix Timestamp Problem

In order for timestamped data to be stored on the Ethereum blockchain, a certain threshold must be met for each block. This is because of the way Unix timestamps work: they can be 32 bits (or 64 bits if necessary) long. However, as more blocks are added, this threshold will eventually reach its limit.

Currently, each new block requires a timestamp with a sufficient number of bits to match the existing timestamped data in the blockchain. As we approach the maximum possible timestamp value (2^31 – 1), exceeding Unix timestamps from newer blocks becomes a problem.

When will this happen?

Ethereum: January 19th, 2038: RIP Unix Timestamps

The switch to 32-bit timestamps is expected to occur on January 19, 2038. This will mark the beginning of a new era for Unix timestamps, where they will be represented by two 31-bit (64-bit) numbers instead of four. The impact on existing blocks timestamped with Unix epoch times will be significant.

Existing blocks and their possible future state

The first 2^31 – 1 = 2147483647 Unix timestamps represent a certain portion of the Ethereum blockchain’s history. Assuming an average block size, this equates to approximately 6.35 quintillion (6,350,000,000,000) unique timestamp values.

However, when a 32-bit overflow occurs, some existing blocks will be deleted or their timestamp data will be truncated. Specifically:

  • Older blocks without enough space for the 4th byte (i.e. two 31-bit numbers) will not be able to store all of the new timestamp data.
  • Blocks with timestamps too far in the past may experience errors when attempting to create a new block.


The upcoming transition is largely due to the need to test Ethereum’s scalability and performance. To solve this problem, developers are exploring solutions such as:

  • Reducing the size of timestamped data by using more efficient storage mechanisms.
  • Implementing specialized algorithms or protocols that can handle larger timestamps without overflow.

While the impact on existing blockchains may be significant, it is important to remember that the Ethereum team has identified and solved similar problems in the past. A blog post on the subject states: “We have been working to mitigate this issue with our upcoming partitioned architecture upgrades… We believe we can handle increased timestamp requirements without significant performance impacts.”


The impending 32-bit Unix timestamp overflow presents an interesting problem for Ethereum enthusiasts and developers. While it is natural to be concerned about potential data loss or bugs, it is important to remember that the development team is working on this issue.

As we prepare for January 19, 2038, we can expect to see changes in how blocks are structured and timestamped on the Ethereum network. It will be crucial for developers to stay up to date with the latest developments and use the tools and strategies available to adapt to these changes.

The future of blockchain technology is exciting, but there is also some uncertainty in this space.

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