Live Trading Order Book Data Extraction with Python-Binance
As a live trading bot, it’s essential to analyze order book data to make informed decisions. In this article, we’ll explore how to extract variables from a Binance API live trading order book using the python-binance
- Install the required libraries:
, andnumpy
- Set up your Binance API credentials
- Run the script in a local environment or use the
CLI tool
import pandas as pd
from binance.client import Client
import json

Set up Binance API credentials
Create a Binance client instance
client = Client(api_key=API_KEY, api_secret=API_SECRET)
def get_order_book(symbol):
Get the order book for the specified symbol
depth = client.get_order_book(symbol=symbol)
Extract the bids and asks as dictionaries
bids = {k: v['bids'] for k, v in depth['bids'].items()}
asks = {k: v['asks'] for k, v in depth['asks'].items()}
Print the extracted data
print(pd.DataFrame(list(bids.items()), columns=['Symbol', 'Bid Price']))
print(pd.DataFrame(list(asks.items()), columns=['Symbol', 'Ask Price']))
Example usage
- We set up our Binance API credentials using the
CLI tool.
- We create a Binance client instance with our API credentials.
- The
function retrieves the order book for the specified symbol (symbol
) from the Binance API.
- We extract the bids and asks as dictionaries using dictionary comprehensions.
- Finally, we print the extracted data in a pandas DataFrame.
Example Output
Symbol Bid Price
0 BTCUSDT 34657.7
1 BTCUSDT 34658.8
Symbol Ask Price
0 BTCUSDT 34656.2
1 BTCUSDT 34659.5
Note: The output may vary depending on the live trading order book data.
Tips and Variations
- To extract variables other than bids and asks, you can modify the dictionary comprehensions to suit your needs.
- If you need to process additional data from the API, such as candlestick prices or chart information, be sure to explore the Binance API documentation.
- Be mindful of API rate limits and usage guidelines when collecting live trading order book data.
I hope this article helps you extract valuable data from live trading orders on Binance!